Outreach Core

The Outreach Core collaborates and engages with partners and leverages our collective expertise to successfully accomplish the aims of the Center. We provide technical support to identify unmet needs and engage in resolution of obstacles impeding the success of community-level injury prevention initiatives. Proven effective injury prevention strategies are translated and disseminated through podcasts, YouTube videos, presentations, learning labs, workshops, symposiums, national and international scientific meetings, and education of policy and lawmakers on injury science relevant to bills and legislation appearing before them. 

Dr. Joyce Pressley directs the Outreach Core with Co-Director, Dr. Barbara Barlow. 

Dissemination of Science and Practice

Maximizing access, scale up and uptake of effective injury and violence prevention solutions can impact the safety and health of large populations. To this end, CCISP both creates innovative science and conducts various activities to see that known effective injury and violence prevention solutions reach scientists and injury prevention practitioners serving all communities.

Our Partners

CCISP partners with, and is a partner to governmental and nongovernmental organizations with whom we share overlapping missions, such as: 1) making new discoveries in injury and violence prevention; 2) maximizing access to these new discoveries; and 3) promoting scale up of known effective prevention strategies.

Other Outreach Activities

Our outreach activities are broad, multifaceted, and multidisciplinary. As an example, these range from giving testimony in landmark opioid cases to educating lawmakers on the scientific basis of laws on which they are voting. Examples of these can be found in this section.