“Accelerating the Science of Safety”

2025 Annual Conference of the Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (#SAVIR2025)

This conference is dedicated to injury and violence prevention research. The conference provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and leaders in the field to share their latest findings, innovative ideas, and groundbreaking work.

New York Academy of Medicine
New York City, April 7-9, 2025

Hosted by:

The Columbia Center for Injury Science and Prevention

Injury Unit Seminars, 2024-2025

Dr. Garen J. Wintemute, MD, MPH

Professor, Susan B. Baker-Stephen P. Teret Chair in Violence Prevention, Director, Violence Prevention Research Program, Attending Physician, Emergency Department, UC Davis, Sacramento, CA

2024 Jesse Kraus Award
for best paper published in the
Journal of Injury Epidemiology

Awards & Recognitions — Congratulations!

Vision Zero Research Award

Dr. Christopher Morrison accepted the Vision Zero Research Award on behalf of the research team for the study titled, "Physical environmental roadway interventions and injury and death for vulnerable road users: a natural experiment in New York City." Researchers Leah E. Roberts, Brady Bushover, Christina A. Mehranbod, Ariana N. Gobaud, Carolyn Fish, Evan L. Eschliman, Xiang Gao, Siddhesh Zadey, and Christopher N. Morrison authored the winning submission.

This study evaluated the effectiveness of three physical roadway interventions—enhanced crossings, speed humps, and turn traffic calming—in reducing crashes that result in pedestrian and cyclist injuries or fatalities in New York City. The findings suggest that turn traffic calming can significantly lower crash risks for pedestrians.

Siddhesh Zadey, Pre-Doctoral Candidate

Sid a doctoral student in the Department of Epidemiology at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and member of the CCISP was awarded the 2024-2025 Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE)/Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Student Fellowship in Injury Prevention.

The fellowship recognizes, assists and trains students working on research or practice-based projects in unintentional injury prevention from the perspective of health education or the behavioral sciences.

Jobs in agriculture, forestry and fishing share a similar challenges: labor intensive, weather dependent, and risky.

The Northeast Center is dedicated to reducing risk and increasing health and safety in these industries. NEC work to understand the safety and health challenges and to identify actionable solutions so that workers in these three essential industries can thrive and survive on the job, whether that work is a passion, a paycheck or a combination of both.

 CCISP Scientists in the News